First Silvermax photos

Examples of the new Adox Silvermax film are few and far between on the internet. However, Lithuanian photographer, Girmantas Bucas, has posted a link on the Rangefinder Forum to his Flickr photostream. That's one of his pics below. It's difficult to get much idea of what the film is like from the scans but for those who wish to have a look, you can see Girmantas's photostream here.


  1. well i put my order in for 30 rolls last week, so I cant wait till it arrives.

  2. If you get the time, Steve, it would be great if you could email me some of your scans so that I can publish them here. I'll get some Silvermax but not right now. I'm working my way through Agfa APX 100 at the moment and want to stick with it for consistency's sake.

    1. Sorry I missed your comment, Steve. Would you be able to email me your thoughts about Silvermax in comparison with your normal films. I'll post your wedding shots along with your comments if that's OK

  3. Sure I'd be happy too. Not too sure how long postage is going to take to Australia. I'll also blog about it on my blog I share with my brother (another film nut)

  4. Thanks for posting the site from Germantas Bruce I really enjoyed his photos.

  5. This looks like a really nice bit of film,only thing is,will A.G. photographic actually have it in stock,as my experience with them is that they display way more stock than they actually hold.

  6. You're right there, Al. I ordered Fomapan 5x4 film from them a couple of months ago and they still don't have it in yet. I've just sent an email to cancel the order and I'll be getting ten rolls of Silvermax 100 instead. I'll get back to 5x4 in the New Year.
