TOD Domain name cock-up

Apologies for a brainfart that has resulted in the domain name,, expiring. If you're reading this then you'll know that the blog can be viewed in exactly the same way at this url. Nothing's changed - except for the fact that people who normally visit the earlier domain name are now getting an error message.

The explanation is simple but doesn't excuse my oversight at all. When I registered I did so using an email address that I no longer have. The registration expired on November 11 and, no doubt, I'd have been sent a reminder message telling me to renew. Obviously, I didn't get it and, consequently, forgot about the expiry date.

It's proving a bit of a problem resurrecting the domain name. What should have been a fairly straightforward process is proving quite difficult for a couple of reasons I won't go into. At the end of the day, it makes very little difference what the url is as the blog looks exactly the same regardless. I might just continue using this address.

Letting my regular readers know about change is the issue. I dare say that people would find their way back here at their own speed but it would be good if everyone reading this could pass the news onto a friend if he or she is also a reader.

So, with that admission out of the way, it's business as usual - at least for the half dozen readers I have left!


  1. Hi, Bruce. I was wondering what happened... Anyway I'm glad to have found you back and well.
    Cheers, M.

  2. Half dozen readers?
    Haha, Bruce!

  3. Pleased to have found you again! I did so via a link on FADU. Look forward to more posts from you Bruce.

  4. Nice to find you again Bruce thanks to FADU, I thought one of my daily visits had gone caput.

  5. Notice, something is wrong with Google's hosting again. On this and on my blog, some of the photographs do not appear - they are just a white blank frame. But if you click, sometimes the enlarged image appears.

  6. You might want to post this on your facebook page as well, that's the first entry that shows on google when searching for the 'online darkroom'.
    Cheers and thanks for the blog, lots of great information!

  7. So glad to find your site up and running again. Thanks for all of your efforts and for sharing this information.

  8. Glad to see ya back. Been checking a couple times a day.

  9. Welcome back Bruce - I can attest to (so far) Bloggers reliability.

  10. Just posted on "Film Photographers" group on Facebook.... ;-)

  11. You DO have more than ten readers! Really glad you and this marvelous website are back. Thanks, Bruce.

  12. Welcome back. I had just about given up then I clicked on the right place, and hey presto!
